Quality and Safety

Project: Shinryo (Hong Kong) Limited
Organization: 勞工處 & 職業安全健康局

最佳安全表現分判商 <金獎>
Project: Yoho Mid Town
Organization: 新輝城建工程有限公司

The best safety performance of sub-contractor
Project: Shinryo (Hong Kong) Limited
Organization: San Field

Best Sub-contractor Safety Performance Award
Project: Shinryo (Hong Kong) Limited
Organization: Sun Fook Kong Construction Ltd.

Safety Management System Award-Construction
Safety Management System Award-Construction
Project: Shinryo (Hong Kong) Limited
Organization: OSHC

Prémio de Prata
Sub-Empreiteiro – Group A
Sub-Empreiteiro – Group A
Project: Shinryo Corporation
Organization: DSAL

Prémio de Bronze
Projecto de Melhoramento da Segurança Ocupacional
Projecto de Melhoramento da Segurança Ocupacional
Project: Shinryo Corporation
Organization: DSAL

Prémio de Mérito
Melhor Sistema de Gestão de Segurança
Melhor Sistema de Gestão de Segurança
Project: Shinryo Corporation
Organization: DSAL

Gold Sponsorship
Fire Division 4th Annual Symposium 2012
Fire Division 4th Annual Symposium 2012
Project: Shinryo (Hong Kong) Limited
Organization: The Hong Kong Institution of engineers

Partnering Award
(E&M Works Project (Safety Classification 1))
(E&M Works Project (Safety Classification 1))
Project: Shinryo (Hong Kong) Limited
Organization: MTR

Lowest Reportable Accident
Frequency Rate Award (Mar 2014)
Frequency Rate Award (Mar 2014)
Project: SIL (E) - 965A
Organization: MTR

Sliver Safety Award
Project: 816A
Organization: MTR

Sliver Safety Award
Project: 965A
Organization: MTR

Project Division Safety
Week Best Contractor
Week Best Contractor
Project: 816A
Organization: Development Bureau and CIC

Lowest Reportable Accident
Frequency Rate Award (Sep 2014)
Frequency Rate Award (Sep 2014)
Project: SIL (E) - 965A
Organization: MTR

21st Considerate Contractors Site
Award Scheme
Award Scheme
Project: 816A
Organization: Development Bureau and CIC

Zero Accident
Project: 816A
Organization: MTR

Model Frontline Supervisor Award
Project: 816A
Organization: Development Bureau and CIC

Model Worker Award
Project: 816A
Organization: Development Bureau and CIC

Express Rail Link Project Gold Safety Award
Project: 816C
Organization: MTR

Silver Safety Award
Project: 846
Organization: MTR

Safe Steps Award
Project: SIL (E) 965C
Organization: MTR

Safe Steps Award
Project: SIL (E) 965C
Organization: MTR

Contractor Safety Performance Awards
Project: CS010-13E FSI Upgrade at ADM Station
Organization: MTR

Gold Safety Award
Project: 816C
Organization: MTR

Zero Harm Subcontractor Award
Project: Harmony
Organization: Gammon

Bronze Quality Award
Project: 1153 & 1153B
Organization: MTR

Silver Safety Award
Project: 816C
Organization: MTR

Grand Award
Project: SCL1173
Organization: Shinryo (Hong Kong) Limited

Merit Award
Subcontractor Safety Award
Organization: Shinryo (Hong Kong) Limited

Gold Quality Award
Project: 1153B
Organization: MTR

5S Competition 5S Success
Project: HKIA

Special Mention Award
Project: HKIA

Recognition Award
Project: HKIA

Gold Award
Good Safety Performance Subcontractor Award
Organization: Shinryo (Hong Kong) Limited

Silver Award
Good Safety Performance Subcontractor Award
Organization: Shinryo (Hong Kong) Limited

Silver Award
Good Safety Performance Subcontractor Award
Organization: Shinryo (Hong Kong) Limited

Bronze Award
Good Safety Performance Subcontractor Award
Organization: Shinryo (Hong Kong) Limited
Update in Progress